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A Certified Christian Premarital & Marriage Coach helps couples get it together and keep it together.

This training program was designed to help couples have a healthy, Christ-centered marriage.

It takes more than just love to have a healthy and happy marriage.  There are so many factors that contribute to having a long, happy, and fulfilling marriage. As a Christian Premarital Coach & Marriage Coach, your role is to help couples “get it together and keep it together”.

This coach training prepares individuals to coach couples and covers 8 majors areas that keep couples together Communication, Conflict, Change, Connection, Choices, Compassion (Love), and Commitment while keeping Christ at the center.

"What God has joined together let no man put asunder."

  • We’ve all heard this Scripture, and we know it to be true, but those words are a lot easier to nod to than to live by. 
  • The truth is that in our changing world, full of chaos and conflict, getting together and staying together has become more difficult than ever. And while it is God’s intent that marriages last forever, that’s simply not what’s happening today. 
  • Statistics suggest that as many as 40% of all marriages end in divorce. And, sadly enough, according to the United Nations, the United States has the third-highest divorce rate in the world, with 4.34 divorces per 1,000 people. 
  • This means that there are people in your neighborhood, in your church, in your circle, in your client base, maybe even in your family who need a Christ-centered coach who can ask the right questions and provide just the right amount of guidance to get them started on the right track – and help ensure that they stay on that track. 
  • With the Holy Spirits guidance, your God-given wisdom, experience, and this course training, you could be the one to help that couple “get it together so they can keep it together.”
  • You may already be walking in this God-ordained assignment but seek certification or additional training.
  • Is God leading you to help couples have a successful and healthy marriage? Marriage is work and must be handled with care. 
  • Learn effective strategies and tools to help couples “get it together so they can stay together.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the Christian Pre-marital & Marriage Coach Certification Program

    2. Required Books and Materials

    3. Certification Requirements

    4. Registration Form (If you have already completed, do NOT complete twice)

    5. You, Your Why, Your What & Your Where

    6. What Marriage is NOT

    1. Introduction

    2. Lesson 1 -Objectives

    3. Lesson 1 - Understanding the true meaning of love

    4. Lesson 2 - Objectives

    5. Lesson 2 - The Ground Work

    6. Lesson 3 - Objectives

    7. Lesson 3 - How I See Love

    8. Before you go...


    1. Introduction to Pre-marital

    2. Lesson 1 - What is Pre-Marital Coaching

    3. Module 2 Lesson 1 Activity 1

    4. Lesson 2 - What are Challenges Couples May Face Without Pre-Marital Coaching?

    5. Module 2 Lesson 2 Activity 1

    6. Lesson 3 - What are the Benefits of Pre-Marital Coaching?

    7. Module 1 Lesson 3 Activity 1

    8. Your 2 Cents Worth

    9. Lesson 4 - Understanding Boundaries

    10. Proficiency Exam

    1. Introduction Communication

    2. Lesson One - OBJECTIVES

    3. Lesson 1 - Let's Really Listen to Each Other (Active Listening)

    4. Lesson 2 - Boundaries

    5. Lesson 3 - My 2 Cents Worth

    6. Lesson 4 - Clarifying and Clarification

    1. Lesson 1 - The 4 Horsemen of Apocalypse

    2. Lesson 2 - Tools to Use

    3. Lesson 3 - Let's Work It Out

    4. Six Kinds of Conflict

    1. Lesson 1 - Sowing and Reaping

    2. Lesson 2- Responsibility

    3. Lesson 3 - Power

    4. Lesson 4 - Respect

    5. Lesson 5 - Motivation

    6. Lesson 6 - Evaluation

    7. Lesson 7 - Proactivity

    8. Lesson 8 - Envy

    9. Lesson 9 - Activity

    10. Lesson 10 - Exposure

About this course

  • $997.00
  • 51 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content